The following requirements must be met in order to participate in one of our online courses:

  • PC with Internet access
  • Browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera)
  • at least: loudspeakers or headphones;
  • optimal: headset or the webcam microphone
  • Recommendation: second monitor or a second PC, notebook or tablet (seebelow for more information)
  • MS Windows, Mac or Linux (depending on the webinar topic)
  • The program suitable for the webinar (e.g. MS Office)
  • Strongly recommended: Webcam (for much better communication on a visual basis with the trainer and the participants* present.

As a video conferencing system, we use MS Teams by default. If you are not sure whether the dial-in works properly, we will be happy to conduct a short test with you in advance. Just give us a call or send us a message.

PC equipment

  • Internet access with at least 50 MBit/sec. (with tools, such as Speednet you can test the Speednet).
  • IMPORTANT for corporate clients: Access to the conference system (usually we use MS Teams). If access to this tool is blocked, ask your helpdesk or system administrator to unlock the page). If you are unsure, please call us so that we can help you.
  • Of course, for corporate webinars, we also offer the option of using a conferencing system of your choice, if possible.

For communication

For listening and speaking you need:

  • or loudspeaker and microphone
  • or a headset

(Communication with the trainer via chat is not sufficient!).

As a rule, headphones are better than speakers if, for example, you are not alone in the room. However, make sure that there are not too many people around you. Then the ambient noise will be too loud or you will be distracted by talking to them.

Recommendation: second screen

Alternatively: another PC, notebook or tablet.

The monitor shows you both the information that the trainer is displaying, but also the application software that the webinar is about. If you have a second monitor, PC or tablet, you can display the trainer’s instructions there.

Usually, graphics cards on the PC are equipped with more than one port (mostly DVI and VGA). Use the remaining free port for the second monitor. Under Windows, you can then use the WINDOWS key+P combination to distribute the display to two monitors.

If you use another PC, notebook or tablet instead, use it to log in again to the training system that you will receive in an instruction e-mail. This leaves the first PC free for the exercises you are performing.

If you only have one monitor, you can easily switch back and forth between the conference system and the application using the ALT+TAB key combination.

Another alternative for participants sitting together in a conference room: a projector. This way, the trainer’s screen is conveniently visible to everyone and their own screen is available for the exercises.

Application programs

These and other prerequisites are very topic-specific and are therefore listed in detail in the individual webinar topics.

If you have any questions or are unsure whether or how you meet the prerequisites, contact us or give us a call. We will be happy to help you.


Wenn Sie sich für mehrere Office- oder IT-Themen anmelden, erhalten Sie für die zweite Buchung 5% und ab der dritten Buchung 10% Rabatt

Bei Gruppenanmeldungen von mindestens drei Personen erhalten Sie einen Gesamtrabatt von 5%. Bei Anmeldungen einer Gruppe für mindestens zwei Themen erhalten Sie nochmals 5% Rabatt.

Der Rabatt wird nicht im Buchungssystem angezeigt, sondern nachträglich auf der Rechnung gutgeschrieben. Weitere Infos erhalten Sie hier!

Rabatte sind nicht kombinierbar (z. B. mit dem Last-Minute-Rabatt). Es gilt jedoch immer der für Sie beste Rabatt.

Das Konzept unserer Live-Online-Kurse

Lernen Sie gezielt und nachhaltig – in Ihrem eigenen Tempo.

Der Schlüssel zu langfristigem Wissenserwerb liegt darin, nur so viel zu lernen, wie Sie anschließend auch direkt anwenden können. Dadurch bleibt das Gelernte nicht nur präsent, sondern verankert sich deutlich besser im Langzeitgedächtnis.

Nach vier Stunden intensiven Lernens lässt die Konzentration spürbar nach und der Lernerfolg nimmt ab. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, die Kursdauer auf maximal vier Stunden zu beschränken, um ein optimales Gleichgewicht zwischen Aufnahmefähigkeit und Lerninhalt zu erreichen.

Profitieren Sie außerdem von unserer Nachbetreuung (in vielen Fällen sogar kostenlos). Diese individuelle Unterstützung hilft Ihnen dabei, das Erlernte durch regelmäßiges Üben zu festigen und sicher in den Arbeitsalltag zu integrieren.